
What do you do?
If you were trained as a designer, you might be used to responsive, versatile, collaborative work. But academia prioritizes individual scholarship with a narrow focus. What would it look like to have agency over the focus of your research?


Research Development

Are you looking to step onto a new path of scholarship? Do you need help finding, refining, or articulating your research goals?

Artists and designers have often spent their creative energy in service of a problem that’s already been articulated….which can make it tricky to know how to articulate your own problem.

I work with you to hear your research interests and help you clarify your goals: what do you want to LEARN, and how do you want to SHARE your new knowledge?


Pursuing Degrees

Are you looking to go back to school again to get another degree? Are you having trouble finding the right program (or even field)? 

If you’re a person interested in fashion, dress, or textiles, it might seem like your research interests just don’t fit within academic boundaries. Not true! Dress and textiles are worthwhile, valuable research topics, they just aren’t adequately reflected in current research fields. (Yet!) I can help you figure out how to navigate the different fields that exist and how your research interests and future scholarship goals might best match what’s out there. 

I’ll talk you through the difference between your TOPIC and your METHOD, and therefore what might be a good FIELD….which will help you to choose a PROGRAM and an ADVISOR.


Application Writing

Are you looking for funding sources to support your research? Are you new to applying for grants or fellowships? 

If you weren’t trained in insider-academia-baseball, all these sources of funding might be a complete mystery. Are you looking for a GRANT or a FELLOWSHIP? How do you know if you’re qualified to apply? 

I can help you identify sources of funding (either internal to your institution or outside). 

Writing applications for grants and fellowships can be daunting, especially if you’ve never done it before, or if your plan doesn’t sound anything like the examples you’re given.